TS 10th English Question Paper 2023-24, Telangana SSC Model 1 Paper



SUB : English,                                                         Part-A & B

Time : 3.15 Hrs.                                                        Max. Marks : 80


ⅰ) Read the question paper carefully.

ⅰⅰ) Answer the questions under Part-A in the answer booklet.

ⅰⅰⅰ) Write the answers to the questions under Part-B the question paper itself.

Time : 1.30 Hrs.                                            Part-A                                             Max. Marks : 40

Question No. (1-5) : Read the following passage given.

However. I finally did decide to go. I did not have much to carry by way of luggage – just a trunk. Ours is a hilly terrain, without any motor able roads – and there is no certainty that we are ever going to have roads. In any case, while coming home we do not carry bedding. Besides, I had come home this time round for a special purpose; to get married. My parents had arranged my marriage, according to the customs of our tribal society, time flew, and five months into my marriage I realized it. Initially I thought of extending my leave – even taking unpaid leave. But after some dilly-dallying, I finally decided against it because marriage had increased my responsibilities and I had got into debt/

On my way home from the bus stop, my trunk had been carried by a porter. The problem now was we couldn’t find anyone who could help me carry the trunk to the bus stop. At another time of the year, we should have easily found someone to help me, but now most of the villagers were busy in the fields. Nobody had time to spare for me. in fact, carrying the trunk should not have been such a worry for me except that my education had made me shun physical labour. After all, I was a government officer and the idea of people seeing me carry my own luggage was not at all amusing. Otherwise, for a young man like me it should not have been an issue to carry a 20-kilo chest on my back. (The Journey)

Now answer the questions in three to four sentences.                          (5 x 2 = 10 Marks)

  1. I finally did decide to go…what did the narrator want to do first ? What did he do finally ?
  2. Time flew…. what did this mean to the narrator ? How did he feel in the end ?
  3. What problem did the narrator face ?
  4. How did the narrator’s job change his behavior ?
  5. Do you think status is more important than values ? Explain.

Question No. (6 – 10) ; Read the passage given.

It is true that superficial observers are likely to be bewildered by the astonishing variety of Indian life. They fail to discover the one in many, the individual, in the aggregate; the simple in the composite. With them the whole is lost in its parts. What is needed is the superior interpretation, synthesis of the power of the mind that can give rise to a vision of the whole.

A keen penetrating insight will not fail to recognize the fundamental unity beneath the manifold variety in India. The diversity itself, far from being a damaging cause of disunity and weakness, is a fertile source of strength and wealth. Sir Herbet Risely has rightly observed. “Beneath the manifold diversity of physical and social types, languages, customs and religions which strike the observer in India, there can still be discerned a certain underlying uniformity of life from the Himalayas to Cape Comorin.”

From his long and first-hand experience in India. Vincent A. Smith says that the civilization of India “has many features which differentiate it from that of the other regions of the world, white they are common to the whole country in degree sufficient to justify its treatment as a unity in the history of human, social and intellectual development.” (Unity in Diversity in India)

Now answer the questions in three to four sentences.                                     (5 x 2 = 10 Marks)

6) How does the Indian lifestyle influence the observers ?

7) How can we understand Indian culture in a better way ?

8) Where do we find diversity in India ?

9) How is India united ?      

10) What do the observers learn from Indian civilization ?

Question No. (11) ;

In the lesson ‘Attitude is Altitude’, we have come across Nick and Bethany Hamilton. Nick is multi-talented and has successfully overcome his physical challengedness. Similarly, Bethany continued her. profession although She has lost her arm.

Write an imaginary conversation between Nick and Bethany on their successful journey of life. You may use the following ideas.                                                                                   (12 Marks)

  • Problems faced by Nick
  • Bethany was a world famous surfer
  • Assistance of his parents
  • Bethany lost her right arm, but did not lose confidenceOvercame his disabilities
  • Nick’s interest in learning surfing


You are seen many school age children doing various jobs – working in hotels, factories, shops and petrol stations. They are deprived of education.

Write a letter to the Commissioner of Child Welfare Department on this issue. You may use the following ideas.

  • Need for education.
  • The pain they feel while doing such jobs and your feelings when you see them at work.
  • Risks while doing such jobs
  • Responsibilities of the parents and government in protecting child rights.

Question No. (12) ; (8 Marks)

Your school is organizing District Level Sports Meet. One of your friends is a good sportsperson. Write a message to your friend suggesting his/her participation.

Now, make a diary entry about your feelings on this memorable day.


You think careless driving leads to accidents. Wearing a helmet is necessary for the bike riders as it saves their lives in case they meet with accidents. Prepare a poster highlighting the need for wearing a helmet.

Time : 1.30 Hrs.                                            Part-B                                             Max. Marks : 40

Note :

  1. Answer all the questions in this part on the question paper itself.
  2. Avoid over-writing.

Questions (13-17) :   Read the Following poem.

I will arise and go now, and go to Innis free,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made; Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee, And live alone in the bee-loud glade.
And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow, Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket signs; There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet’s wings.
I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey, I hear it in the deep heart’s core.
Glossary :

Wattles      :    sticks (used along with clay in building material)

Glade       :    a small ara of grass

Glimmer  :     low light        –  Glow : shine

Now, answer the following questions. Each question has four choices. Choose the correct answer and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in the brackets given.                                              (5×1 = 5 Marks)

13) The word ‘Cain’ in the poem refers to                                                                      (          )

A) small room      B) A big house          C) A small house      D) A hall

14) Nine-bean rows and honey are associated with                                                       (          )

A) Journey               B) Food                     C) Work                    D) Adventure

15) And live alone in the bee – loud glade – from this we can understand that            (          )

A)The poet is sad                                     B) The poet is enjoying nature

C) The poet is thinking of food               D) The poet is feeling lonely

16) Where the cricket signs; – this refers to                                                                     (          )

A) early morning     B) afternoon              C) evening                D) late evening

17) I hear it in the deep heart’s core – the word ‘it’ refers to                                          (          )

A) sound of birds B) sound of lake water     C) cricket’s sounds      D) sound of vehicles

Question No. (18 – 22) :

In the following passage, five sentences are numbered and each of them has an error. Correct them and rewrite them in the given space.                                                                 (5×5 = 5 Marks)

The man was surprised at my outburst. (18) He looked me smiling. (19) ‘I know about all the game,’ he said. (20) “The boys are brothers – myself sons.’ (21) He pointed to a handsome brown woman on the verandah which had just come out to call in the children. (22) “These is my wife,’ he said.

18)   ………………. 19)……………….  20)…………….. 21)………………  22)……………

Question No. (23 – 27) :

Read the passage given below focusing on the parts that are underlined and answer the questions given at the end as directed.                                                                                       (5×2 = 10 Marks)

                (23) Birds eat different kinds of food. They are insect-eaters, birds of prey, scavengers that eat dead animals and birds that like many different kinds of food. (24) The sharp, strong beak of the woodpeckers is good for digging nests in wood as well as for digging out insects from tree trunks. The curved beak of a hawk is excellent for tearing up a small animal such as a field mouse. Its sharp nails too are a help in catching small animals. The kingfisher has a bill suited for fishing. (25) It is the most talented bird in catching fish.

         Many birds eat seeds. Short, strong bills are good for breaking seeds. (26) Some birds catch insects in the air. They open their mouths wide and catch insects very much like a fisherman gathers in fish with a net. A broad mouth and a short bill are best for catching insects in this way. Other birds have bills that are especially good for finding worms in the ground or for eating fruit. (27) Scavengers need bills. They can tear meat with them.

  • 23)  Add a suitable question
  • 26)  Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘insects’.
  • 24)  Rewrite the sentence using ‘not only – but also’.
  • 27)  Combine the two sentences using ‘which’.
  • 25)  Rewrite beginning with ‘no other’.

Question No. (28–32) :

Complete the following passage choosing the right words from those given below it. Each blank is numbered and each blank has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the correct answer from these choices and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in the brackets given.                              (5×1 = 5 Marks)

No other animal……….……..(28) silk in as many ways as do the spiders. They makeit into houses, lifelines, airplanes and the beautiful web……………………………………….. (29) all of us know so well.

Spiders are found…………….. (30) almost every part of the world no matter whether the climate is hot or cold. They run on the ground, dig holes, climb plants, run on water  …………(31)  even live in it. They come in many colours from bright red, yellow, green, black and white………………………………….. (32) dull grey and brown

28) A) use           B) uses           C) had used  D) is using

29) A) thsoe        B) this            C) that            D) these

30) A) at             B) in               C) into            D) of

31) A) but           B) or              C) so              D) and

32) A) to             B) from          C) with           D) off

Question No. (33 – 37) ;

Complete the passage by choosing the correct words given in brackets.          (5×1 = 5 Marks)

Radium is a white powder……………. (33) (that/this) looks like table salt. A pound of it would be ………. (34) (worthy / worth) thousand kilos of gold. Radium is very…………………………………. (35) (cost /

costly) because it is (36) (scarce / scare). There are only a few………………… (37) (spoonsful /

spoonfuls) of it in the whole world.

    33) …………………..         34) …………………..        35)       …………………..

    36) …………………..         37) …………………..

    Question No. (38 – 42) ;

    Choose the correct form of the words given in brackets to complete the passage. (5×1 = 5 Marks)

    Chipko is a grassroots movement in which common people are………………….. (38) (involve). In this movement,………… (39) (village) take control of their forests……………………… (40) (protect) forests is the aim of Chipko movement. Sunderlal Bahuguna is the………….. (42) (lead) of this movement. He visited many villages and taught people the………….. (42) (important) of saving forests.

    38) ………………….                39) ………………….         40) ……………………..

    41) ………………….          42) ………………….

    Question No. (43 – 47) :

    Read the following passage with focus on the underlined parts. Answer them as directed.

    (5×1 = 5 Marks)

    The conductor asked the passengers to get down and they all put their strong (43) together to push the bus. Having gained this initial (44) momentum, the bus started. Passengers clambered up, jostling one another. The conductor hit (45) the bell and the bus gradually (46) took on speed. It entered the village reluctantly like a truant child being dragged to school. As it wound its way through the carves (47) on the outskirts, it groaned and croaked like a hen about to lay eggs, and stopped with a bang in front of Bhujaba Patil’s residence. As it halted, it gave a big lurch, sending the passengers belter – skelter, churned like water in a pitcher when the carrier stumbles.

    • 43) Write the appropriate form of the underlined word.
    • 44) Write the meaning of the underlined word.
    • 45) Replace the underlined word with a suitable one.
    • 46)Write the word which is opposite in meaning of the underlined word.
    • 47)Replace the underlined with the correct word, which is pronounced similarly.

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